Student Chapter Leader Resources

Running an ASID student chapter has many facets. To tackle as many projects as possible, ASID student chapter leadership resources have been developed to provide leaders and faculty advisors with information to assist in managing a successful student chapter. Use these resources and templates to accomplish your chapter goals and tasks.

Group of ASID Students in from of ASID logo

Student Recruitment Materials 

ASID has created marketing materials for your next recruitment or chapter initiatives.  Share a brochure or a postcard with prospective student members to provide more information about ASID!  Don't recreate the wheel. These are great resources for learning what ASID has to offer!

ASID Student Postcard

ASID Student Brochure

ASID Student and resume + portfolio reviewer at a table

Student Chapter Reference Manual

Ready for an awesome year? Let the ASID Student Chapter Reference Manual help. Explore the basics for running your chapter successfully, understand who's who in the organization, and get all the details you'll need to lead a thriving student chapter.

Get the Info


Student and Reviewer at a table discussing portfolio

Student Election Guide

To position your student chapter for success and ensure a smooth leadership transition, hold elections by February 1 each year and send the results immediately to ASID headquarters at

Be prepared

ASID Student Chapter Brand Guide

Get everything you need to ensure uniform, consistent, and effective communications that resonate with your student chapter members and those you are trying to recruit.

Get the Brand Guide

Be an Entrepreneur!

Start a student chapter at your school. Student chapters are supported by local and national level ASID leaders and staff, and resources for the governance and operations of chapters are readily available.