With remote work becoming more prevalent due to the pandemic, how and where we work has shifted. Work from home has become the norm for many knowledge workers, and organizations are re-evaluating their work processes and office footprint, with some degree of remote work considered for the future of work. Workplace design continues to evolve through these changes with additional considerations to plan for post-pandemic: organizations need to think about equity between office and remote work, and individuals need to create a home office for longer-term and more permanent use. In this era of change, what questions should we ask as we strive to thrive?
ASID partnered with Sherwin-Williams on this research to guide the design community into the new working environment. This resource guide is designed to reimagine the workplace—in the office and at home—by exploring how and where we work from a changed perspective.
The resource* includes on the following pages:
• a list of recommended questions to review with the client and/or end-users that explore work and workplace goals
• evidence-based design guidelines and considerations for key performance motivators
*see the appendix for details on the methodology and full reference list of research articles reviewed.